U12 Division
In the U12 division, players begin to bring their basic techniques and skills to the next level of play. The level of play in this division is more competitive than in the younger divisions, but is still in line with the LYS philosophy of everyone plays and has fun.
U12 Rules
Lassen Youth Soccer
U12 Soccer Rules
All Under 12 age groups shall be played according to LYS By Laws and Rules and Regulations with the following
I. Field of Play & Goals
A. The field of play will be rectangular in shape with the length of the field exceeding the width. The field
will be no more than 75 yards in length. The field will be no more than 47 yards in width.
B. The center circle will be marked with a 7-yard radius
C .The goal area is defined at each end of the field as the area within 2 lines drawn at right angles to the
goal line 4 yards from the inside of each goalpost and extending into the field of play for a distance of 4
yards and joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line.
D. The penalty area is defined at each end of the field as the area within 2 lines drawn at right angles to the
goal line 8 yards from the inside of each goalpost and extending into the field of play for a distance of 12
yards and joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line.
E. Within each penalty area the penalty mark will be 8 yards from the midpoint between the goalposts and
equidistant to them.
F. An arc 7 yards from the penalty mark will be drawn outside the penalty box at the intersection of the arc
with the line of the penalty box.
G. Refer to the Cal North Modified Laws of the Game Cal North Team Manual and website to view a
diagram of Under-11/12 small sided field dimensions & markings.
H. Per US Soccer the goals are recommended to be 6.5 feet x 18.5 feet. Goals must be the same size on
either end of the field.
II. Ball
A. The ball will be a size 4 ball
III. Number of Players
A. Teams will play a maximum of 9 players per team on the field (one of whom is a goal keeper).
B. Teams will play a minimum of 6 players per team on the field.
IV. Duration of Game
A. Regulation length game halves will be two 30-minute halves with a 10 minute half time.
V. Competition
A. Governing laws
1. All games will be governed by the FIFA Laws of the Game and those rules included in the US
Youth Soccer Rules and Cal North Constitution, Bylaws, General Procedures, Specific Rules and
PIMs unless the rules of this competition specify otherwise.
B. Substitutions
1. Unlimited substitutions shall be allowed.
2. Players may be substituted at any stoppage of play regardless of possession.
3. A substitute shall not enter the field of play until he/she has been given a signal to do so by the
C. Team Bench and Spectator Areas
1. Both teams' bench areas will be on the same side of the field, and coaching from the sideline
will not be permitted except as in accordance with FIFA directives.
2. The coaching box (or technical area) shall be established as being 10 yards from the mid-field
stripe and extending toward the goal on each side for a distance of 10 yards. Coaches are required
to remain in this area throughout the match unless called out of it by the referee.
3. No individual is allowed on the team side of the field in these games unless they are
credentialed members of one of the teams participating in the game.
4. Coaches must remain in their Bench Area (Coach's box) at all times during the match unless
called out by the Referee.
5. Spectator areas will be established on the opposite side of the field.
6. Coaching from the Spectator area shall NOT be allowed.
D. Rules of Play
1. U12 games will be ruled by the same rules used in the U13-19 games in regards to fouls on the
2. Slide tackling is allowed as long as it is not from behind.
3 Players/teams improperly throwing the ball into play will lose possession. No retaking of throws
is permitted.
4. Goal kicks may be taken anywhere within the goals box (not the penalty box). Once the ball is
set, it cannot be moved again. Opponents must be outside the penalty box.
5. Off-side infractions WILL be called during the match per FIFA laws and directives.
6. No deliberate heading is allowed in this age group.
E. Fouls and Misconduct
1. Both direct kick (goal can be scored directly) and indirect kick (goal may only be scored after
touching a second player - from either team) restarts will be allowed. This includes the awarding
of a Penalty Kick in the appropriate circumstances.
2. Fouls resulting in a direct free kick:
a. Fouls by the hand: Handling the ball, holding, pushing, striking the opponent
b. Fouls by the feet: Tripping, kicking and jumping at the opponent intentionally.
c. Fouls by the body: Charging from behind, violent charging.
3. Fouls resulting in an indirect free kick:
a. All fouls not covered above.
F. Restart of Game
1. Opponents must be at least 7 yards from the ball when the game is restarted by a kick.
2. Opponents must be at least 7 yards from the corner arc on a corner kick.
G. Playing Time
1. Teams must adhere to the District 9 minimum playing time policy and allow players to
participate in a minimum of 50% play time in each match.(full policy can be found on the District
-website: http://district9-cysa.org)
2. The exception to this rule is if a coach is administering disciplinary action upon a player for
behavior. If such disciplinary action is being administered, the coach MUST report such action to
the LYS Player Agent.
3. Coaches failing to adhere to this playing rule may face disciplinary action by the Lassen Youth
Soccer Board of Directors.